Research Groups
The International Max Planck Research School on Advanced Photon Science (IMPRS-APS) is an initiative of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB), the Ludwig Maximilian´s University of Munich (LMU), the Technical University of Munich (TUM), and in association with Vienna University of Technology (VUT). The members of IMPRS-APS pursue forefront research on advancing the light sources and to employ them for gaining deeper insight into the microscopic structure and dynamics of matter. IMPRS-APS offers young researchers a unique combination of education and training opportunities in the physics and technology of photon sources and their advanced application in physics, chemistry and biology.
For specific subjects please see the research topics of the individual groups:
Active group members
Prof. Dr. Burgdörfer
Atomic theory, dynamic surface interactions, classical and quantum transport (Theory)
Prof. Dr. Coan
Development of X-ray phase contrast imaging techniques for medical diagnostics: optimization of the method and implementation with new X-ray sources (Experiment)
Prof. Dr. Hänsch
Laser spectroscopy with extreme precision, laser frequency comb synthesizer (Experiment)
Prof. Dr. Kienberger
Attosecond metrology and spectroscopy; ultrafast electron dynamics in molecules and on solids (Experiment)
Prof. Dr. Kling
Imaging of attosecond electron dynamics in atoms, molecules and nanostructures (Experiment)
Prof. Dr. Krausz
Controlled intense laser fields, X-ray pulses, attosecond metrology and spectroscopy (Experiment)
Prof. Dr. Udem
Testing Quantum Electrodynamics with high resolution laser spectroscopy of hydrogen and hydrogen like systems (Experiment)
Associated groups who do not accept new applicants
Prof. Dr. Azzeer*
Development of brilliant, next-generation kHz and MHz laser light sources and attosecond metrology (Experiment)
Prof. Dr. Riedle
Tunable femtosecond pulses, nonlinear frequency conversion, ultrafast dynamic processes in chemistry (Experiment)
* associated partner