High Precision Measurements for fundamental Physics |
PositionsWe are part of the group of Prof. T. W. Hänsch and located at the Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics Garching/Germany. If you are interested to work with us as a diploma student, PhD student or postdoc please contact Thomas Udem or Ronald Holzwarth. Master project: Nonlinear compression of ultrashort laser pulses with high power The 1s-2s transition in hydrogen-like helium (He+) is one of the most interesting candidates for precision tests of quantum electrodynamics(QED). We want to excite this transition with a frequency comb at 60.8 nm wavelength and determine its absolute frequency. This XUV frequency comb is generated by frequency multiplication of an IR frequency comb. In order to increase the efficiency of the frequency conversion, the IR pulses shall be temporally compressed. For that purpose a novel compression scheme shall be used, which works with pulse powers above the critical power for self focusing and with large average powers. The pulse duration shall be decreased from 700 fs to about 100 fs. Within this Master project the system shall be designed, set up and characterized, and a diagnostic shall be developed. We are looking for a commited student of physics, who wants to support our team. Experience in handling of laser beams is helpful. Interest in programming and a good command of Matlab or similar programs is of of great benefit. Start is preverably from November or December 2014. If you are interested, please contact: Johannes Weitenberg, johannes.weitenberg@mpq.mpg.de, 089-32905-295 Dr. Thomas Udem, thomas.udem@mpq.mpg.de, 089-32905-257 last change October 13 2014 |