Funding and registration
Please, reserve your hotel before June 30!
The booking situation in all of Munich is extremely tight during the dates
of the conference as the Oktoberfest starts on September 22. Strictly no
rooms may be available if you book late.
Note that the conference cannot reserve hotel rooms at dates after September 22.
Funding and support
The workshop is supported by the European Science Foundation through the SILMI program. The budget allows us to support a number of European participants with air fares (PEX/APEX, or "weekend tickets"), hotel accommodation and meals during the workshop. This support will be given primarily (but not exclusively) to the speakers, graduate students and postdocs. In case of a large demand for support, we will try to keep a geographical balance between the supported participants of the different European countries. In any case, there will be no registration fee and the meeting is open to everyone.
Registration form
Frontiers in Intense Laser-Matter Interaction Theory