Frontiers in Intense Laser-Matter Interaction Theory
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ)
March 1-3, 2010
Welcome to „Frontiers in Intense Laser-Matter Interaction Theory“, a workshop devoted to topical challenges posed to theory by the application of strong and superstrong laser sources. It will be focused around the following three general areas:
Fundamentals of high-field electrodynamics: radiation reaction in the context of high-intensity laser experiments, both, in classical and QED descriptions, their experimental signatures and applications.
Strong field and ultrafast processes in solids: band structures in the presence of strong fields, IR-XUV photo-emission from surfaces, short-pulse optical breakdown of dielectrics, and techniques for surface harmonics up to the keV region.
High-quality laser-driven particle beams (electrons, ions) and coherent radiation (VUV, X-rays): wake-field acceleration, electron injection and transport for FEL applications, and beam generation at ultra-thin foils and solid surfaces.
This workshop is part of the scientific activity of the programme "Super-intense Laser-matter Interactions" SILMI of the European Science Foundation.
It is intended to serve as a forum for communicating the most urgent questions from experiment to theory and in turn for highlighting new physics that will come into experimental reach in the near future. It will be hosted by the Munich Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics with additional support from the Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics MAP.
- Summary submission – February 1, 2010
- Early registration – January 15, 2010
- Hotel reservation – February 1
International program committee: Charles J. Joachain (Belgium), Dimitri Batani (Italy), Klaus Boller (Netherlands), Helder Crespo (Portugal), Viorica Florescu (Romania), Javier Honrubia (Spain), Ursula Keller (ETH Zurich/Switzerland), Marco Kirm (Estonia), Jiri Limpouch (Czech Republic), Lars Bojer Madsen (Denmark), J. Tito Mendonça (Portugal), Algis Piskarskas (Lithuania), Rainer Salomaa (Finland), Claes-Göran Wahlström (Sweden)
Organizing committee: A. Scrinzi (Chair), F. Grüner, H. Ruhl, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn (Co-chairs),
D. Habs,
P. Hommelhoff, S. Karsch, R. Kienberger, M. Kling, F. Krausz, J.
Rafelski, T. Tajima, G. Tsakiris, L. Veisz,
V. Yakovlev